Monday, November 2, 2009

Movies - Ninja Assassin Is COMING!!!

Man I love ninjas. I've watched every ninja and ninja related movie I could ever get my hands on ever since I was a kid. I drew ninjas, played video games with ninjas in em, even bought ninja weaponry. I wanted to be a ninja, no word of a lie.

Sho Kosugi was my boy in movies like, '9 Deaths of the Ninja' and my all time favourite movie of his... 'Prey for Death' these are classic 80's ninja. After so many years away from the movie scene, well the front of the camera anyway, our boy Sho is back in a big way it seems.

Check out his performance in the up and coming 'Ninja Assassin' starring Some Korean pop-star 'Rain' lol. Not down playing him at all as he is the ninja I'll be watching in this movie, giving me a well deserved fix of ninja action, a brother has been suffering ninja deprivation on the movie front of late (and no Snake eyes and Storm Shadow in GI Joe were not enough). I hope this is a sign of things to come, this shit looks good.

The website is new age movie site cool simple, small, but affective and imagery of the movie beaten into your heads with the aid of the compelling soundtrack. This one had better be a winner boys or else Mr 'Natch says... 'Pray for Death'

Check the Warner Bros. Official site:

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